Beddison Garden Designs

Mossbank Garden – Castlemaine

Castlemaine holds a festival of gardens every two years and had 22 gardens open this year. Mossbank garden in Castlemaine was one of several highlights of the festival.

The approach to the garden was through a cooling native garden with purple Alyogyne (Native Hibiscus) mixed seamlessly with plantings of grey and green leafed Santolina. Once through the arbour, we entered a warm exotic garden showcasing Roses, Cistus and Poppies. A common theme amongst gardens in this location was the use of drought tolerant plants including those with grey leaves such as Ballota, Artemesia, Marrubium supinum and Stachys byzantine (Lambs’ Ears).

Stretching across the rear veranda, was a beautiful pink rose with a wonderful scent, Rosa ‘Mme Gregoire Stecklan’. And leading to the kitchen garden was a striking weeping single red Rosa ‘Altissimo’.

Beside the vegetable garden we passed a beautiful and perfectly built stone wall. The kitchen garden was a delightful mix of espaliered apples, roses, lavender and perennials with vegetables in raised circular beds and plenty of room to wander between them.

Mossbank Garden - Castlemaine
Mossbank Garden
Mossbank Garden - Castlemaine
Mossbank grey leafed plants
Mossbank Garden - Castlemaine
Mossbank Garden stone wall
Mossbank Garden - Castlemaine
Mossbank Garden Cistus bed
Mossbank Garden - Castlemaine
Rosa ‘Mme Gregoire Stecklan’
Mossbank Garden - Castlemaine
Mossbank Kitchen Garden

Beddison Garden Designs is based in Canterbury, Melbourne, Victoria. We provide landscape design services across Victoria. Contact us now!

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